Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Ideas on helping students to be evangelistic
For 2013, we focus on being evangelistic. How to do so? Here are a few ideas for a student develops a heart for his or her lost friends, and how a whole bunch of teenagers like that create an infectious ministry.
Lead people to Jesus yourself
Your ministry is usually a direct reflection of you. Want students to develop a deep sense of community? Be in one yourself and talk about its importance often. Want students to share about their failures and problems?
Model vulnerability from the stage and you'll get it in return. So if you want to produce evangelistic students—you can see it coming by now, can't you?—share your faith with friends, families and neighbours often. Talk about the lost friend you're praying for, show them how a conversation can point people to Christ.
Make sure everyone knows their own story
Students need practical ways to share their faith with their friends—one of the best ways is helping them articulate their own spiritual journey. If their story is filled with sex, drugs, and rock n' roll…that's okay because it's THEIR story—but make sure the focus rests squarely on Christ and his redemptive work. If their story isn't quite that dramatic, encourage them to point out how much God saved them from and the potential they have following Jesus' ways without the painful past. Either way, having everyone write out their personal story is a great way to help build evangelistic confidence.
Make prayer cards
A super practical idea might be to help students simply jot down the names of friends who don't know Jesus on a little card, and keep it in their wallets or purses. Whenever they see those names, they can pray that God would open the door for a spiritual conversation with a friend.
Create series that are easy to invite people to.
We need to be sure to teach the whole counsel of God—every word is ordained and inspired but not as easy for a first-timer to church to handle. At least once a year have a "bring a friend" series that's designed to give them an easy felt-need they can invite someone to.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Crossroad Reflection
Last week, we have a time to reflect upon why we go to a youth group. Here are the responses.
"I would want to join a youth group event to meet new people, participate in fun activities, get out of the house, socialize, eat food, learn new things, have fun, relax, escape homework, and to grow spiritually."
"Meet new people, have fun, waste time, play sports, get away from reality, good food, to be with friends"
"Free food, girls and guys, loneliness, curiosity for religion"
"People are lonely so they want to find friends. People are curious about religion because they are feeling dullness in life"
"Girls and guys and youth group is a place to explore feelings in a healthy way."
"Matthew 6:27, do not worry about tomorrow, Luke 9:3 take no tunic, food, sandal with you. Youth group is a place where they feel safe, they can process their feelings of joy and struggles."
Crossroad is a place where we experience the love of God. The love of God is experienced through genuine friendship. The love of God is experienced through being used by God in the midst of our powerlessness. The love of God is experienced through discovering the real meaning of freedom.
"I would want to join a youth group event to meet new people, participate in fun activities, get out of the house, socialize, eat food, learn new things, have fun, relax, escape homework, and to grow spiritually."
"Meet new people, have fun, waste time, play sports, get away from reality, good food, to be with friends"
"Free food, girls and guys, loneliness, curiosity for religion"
"People are lonely so they want to find friends. People are curious about religion because they are feeling dullness in life"
"Girls and guys and youth group is a place to explore feelings in a healthy way."
"Matthew 6:27, do not worry about tomorrow, Luke 9:3 take no tunic, food, sandal with you. Youth group is a place where they feel safe, they can process their feelings of joy and struggles."
Crossroad is a place where we experience the love of God. The love of God is experienced through genuine friendship. The love of God is experienced through being used by God in the midst of our powerlessness. The love of God is experienced through discovering the real meaning of freedom.
Understanding of my emotions
God says: "The truth will set you free". I read an article which highlights the lies that Satan uses to make us look down at ourselves. Here is a list of "irrational thinking" and the truth that battles the lies of Satan.
1. A person should be praised by people (parents, teachers, friends, co-workers, customers, etc) around them.
Jesus was despised and rejected by men, his mission was to do the will of God.
2. A person's worth is determined by his/her abilities, appearance, and success.
Jesus had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him.
3. Evil and wicked people should be punished in this lifetime.
There is a judgement for all people in eternity.
4. Suffering means that our hopes and dreams are not fulfilled.
It is God's will for us to suffer for His glory.
5. The lack of happiness in a person is solely caused by other people.
A person is responsible for his or her own emotions.
6. Avoiding responsibilities is easier than facing them.
After the suffering of his soul, he will see the light of life and be satisfied.
7. Every person should have someone to cling on to as a saviour.
God is our only saviour.
8. Every problem has only one perfect and correct solution. If one cannot find it, disaster is inevitable.
God will make a way when there seems to be no way.
1. A person should be praised by people (parents, teachers, friends, co-workers, customers, etc) around them.
Jesus was despised and rejected by men, his mission was to do the will of God.
2. A person's worth is determined by his/her abilities, appearance, and success.
Jesus had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him.
3. Evil and wicked people should be punished in this lifetime.
There is a judgement for all people in eternity.
4. Suffering means that our hopes and dreams are not fulfilled.
It is God's will for us to suffer for His glory.
5. The lack of happiness in a person is solely caused by other people.
A person is responsible for his or her own emotions.
6. Avoiding responsibilities is easier than facing them.
After the suffering of his soul, he will see the light of life and be satisfied.
7. Every person should have someone to cling on to as a saviour.
God is our only saviour.
8. Every problem has only one perfect and correct solution. If one cannot find it, disaster is inevitable.
God will make a way when there seems to be no way.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
5 Areas that kill men.
After many years of ministry to men, it is clear to me how simple men are. They are all threatened with the same basic man-killers. That's one thing I like about working with men. They are not complex.
While the problems of men are simple and easily identifiable, most men believe that their problems are unique to them. They think they are blazing a trail on an uncharted mountain of threats – that no one has experienced quite like they are experiencing it. I am here to tell you, this is a lie. It's an effective lie, because it softens the pain of failure with the legendary uniqueness of their own personal struggles. In contrast, the apostle Paul said, "No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man" (1 Cor. 10:13). I've discovered that what plagued the heroes of the Bible, men throughout church history, and the men I know in 21st century America are all basically the same. Below is my list of five man-killers. They are wreaking havoc on our churches and leaving families virtually fatherless all around us.
They are constantly harassed by fear because their god is not big enough to deliver them. They do not really believe that God is sovereign, so they are constantly obsessing over the threats to their security. They exist in a constant state of low-grade discomfort about themselves and what might happen to them. They are unhappy dads and discontented husbands. They are lousy leaders and no fun to be around. They suck the joy out of the room – and the hearts of wives and children.
Men, disarm this killer with joy and a vision of the sovereignty of God. Rejoice in a God who "did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?" (Rom 8:32). Remember the words of Christ: "Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? "So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?" (Matt. 6:27-30). Remember your Father in heaven who said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you" (Heb. 13:5). Remember King David who declared, "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed" (Ps. 46:1-2).
They are overtaken by lust because they have refused to starve the dragon of lust. Instead, they feed that dragon enough tidbits to keep him alive and always waiting in the wings. This kind of man struggles with pornography because he has not had the resolve to deprive his eyes and ears of impure things. They watch movies that aren't "that bad" and listen to songs that aren't "that good" and as a result the dragon is strong and ready to devour. The fires of lustful passion are always smoldering ready to burst into flames at any time.
Men, neutralize this man-killer by starving him into impotence. Trust the Word of God and take action, "If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you." (Matt. 5:27-30). "Flee sexual immorality" (1 Cor. 6:18). And, "Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy – meditate on these things" (Phil. 4:8). Remember the words of Solomon in Proverbs 5:8: "Do not go near the door of her house." Victory over lust is not just simply staying out of bed with the harlot, it is depriving yourself from thoughts of her house all together.
Most men struggle with anger. They are angry with their wives, bosses, pastors, brothers, and friends. They never learned that all of life is exposure to imperfect people. God keeps sending imperfect people into their lives, and they are angry about it. They never learned how to love those imperfect people. They are always disappointed in someone. They are one-way perfectionists. They demand perfection from others but are oblivious to their own flaws. They never understood that God sends these people to them for their sanctification, not to stroke their egos. It has not occurred to them that God sent these inadequate people in order to teach them what love is. They are clueless that God desires to magnify His grace and mercy through them. Men, put down this man-killer by remembering the way God would have us think of others. "Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice" (Eph. 4:31). Obey Romans 12:10, "Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another." Remember the servant who was forgiven much in Matthew 18:23-35. After the servant was generously forgiven for the massive debt, which he owed to his master, he went straight out and started strangling his fellow servant over a miniscule debt. Don't let this be the story of your life.
Many men are feminists at heart. They have "PMS" – "Passive Male Syndrome." Except with men, it is not isolated to once a month. They get there honestly by simply growing up in a culture that is breathing feminist air.
Their brains have been pickled in feminist juices for so long that they don't even know how deeply their thinking has been saturated. From the time of their birth, they have been steeped in feminism via the media and their pagan education.
When you breathe feminist air all your life as most of us have, it is almost impossible to be a real man. There are many symptoms. For example, men won't lead. They won't teach. They won't exhort their wives. They are afraid of their daughters. They won't restrain their children. They are not willing to die for anything. They think, "Nothing is that important anyway. Hand me the remote."
Men, silence this man-killer by rising up to uphold God's design for men and women. "But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man" (1 Cor. 11:3). Remember that this condition is a sign of a culture in collapse, "As for My people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them" (Isa. 3:12). "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish" (Eph. 5:25-27). Men, do your job regardless of what the culture has told you. Stop being ashamed of what you are. Stand up and act like a man.
God has created men to play a role in this world that is easily abdicated – easily handed off to someone else. Men have been given specific jobs. Men are appointed by God to be the lover of their wives and the teachers of their children. Nonetheless, they are disconnected from their wives because they are going in different directions. They live separate lives. They are not teaching their children because they are obsessed with their own pleasures (usually technology or sports or both). They do not walk and talk and live alongside their children because their attentions are elsewhere. That world out there – outside their families – is bigger and more important to them, so they abdicate the primary for the secondary. They can get away with this one for their whole life long, and no one will confront them about it. The church won't say a peep. Their friends give them a pass.
Abdication is different from the other four man-killers in this sense: the first three will eventually grab him by the neck and throw him to the ground and destroy him.
Abdication and even feminism will not be so obvious. These are the most socially acceptable man-killers. However, as it turns out, while they may seem unscathed, it will result with their wives and children being grabbed by the neck and thrown to the ground.
Men, nuke this man-killer by recovering and establishing your role in the world. Rise up as the shepherd and teacher of your wife and children (Eph. 5:22-34; 6:1-4). Scripture is clear about the terrifying implications of not leading and guarding your own home. Remember God's words to Eli, the unfaithful father: "For I have told him that I will judge his house forever for the iniquity which he knows, because his sons made themselves vile, and he did not restrain them" (1 Sam. 3:13). God says in Deuteronomy 5:29, "Oh, that they had such a heart in them that they would fear Me and always keep all My commandments, that it might be well with them and with their children forever!"
Death to the Man-killers
These five man-killers are always lurking at the door of every man's heart.
Thankfully, there is only one solution for a man. With one blow the man-killers are knocked unconscious. It is the heart of the matter. This one thing destroys the ache of fear, weakens the dragon of lust, soothes the burnings of anger, incinerates feminism, and turns the hearts of fathers to their children. Jesus spoke of it in Matthew 22:35-40:
Then one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, and saying, "Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?" Jesus said to him, "'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets."
This is the heart of the matter: the power of Gospel-love! Loving the Lord your God with all your heart is a summary of the message of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. It presents a clear statement about what is means to be a Christian. It describes the essence of genuine spiritual life. It is the foundation of all true faith. It exposes the centrality of love in the Bible. It explains the Gospel. It neutralizes man-killers.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Thanksgiving Weekend Reflections
On Friday before the fellowship time, we have a time of prayer. I am very touched that brothers and sisters are rebuking myself and the fellowship that we are to be serious on spiritual growth. I was told that we meet together for God's glory. God's name is glorified when people are more passionate for God. Fellowship and worship is for God's glory. We are to be God centred. A fellowship that glorifies God have brothers and sisters who live out how Jesus Christ lived. We seek to know the people better. We seek to break down the barriers of cliques. We need to be focused and be intentional about the time we meet together for God's glory. We prayed to God for this to happen. We all are convicted that we need to pray more. We want to see more people experiencing the joy of God. We want to see more people seeking God.
During fellowship, we learned the basics of the Gospel message and we practice sharing the Gospel. I find that when the fellowship is centred on Gospel, there is peace and purpose. On Saturday, I spent time with my family. We went hiking. I feel like I was a junior high age kid again as my parents took me out to hiking when I was a kid. I am aware that there are quite a few families and kids going out on hiking on the last weekend. I am thankful for God for providing a wonderful family.
On Sunday, we learned about Joshua, Judges, and Ruth in our overview of the Bible class. I was reminded that we are rebellious and God is always faithful. This pattern is repeated throughout the Old Testament. During the sermon time, the message was to challenge brothers and sisters to see the world for what it is. The world is full of suffering and injustice. We are studying the book of Isaiah. Isaiah is a messenger of God who spoke on behalf of God. He was honestly proclaiming what was the true condition of the nation. Likewise for us, God's Words and prayer enables us to see the true condition of our world.
On Monday, I went to the Royal Ontario Museum with Vicky. The museum opened my eyes to what happened in history. There are displays about extinction of wildlife, religion in ancient times, wars, and a section dedicated to the genocide in Cambodia. We later went to tour around U of T. We encountered an old classmate of Vicky and we chatted a bit. We had the opportunity to share with him what we believed as follower of Christ.
I am really thankful for this wonderful weekend.
During fellowship, we learned the basics of the Gospel message and we practice sharing the Gospel. I find that when the fellowship is centred on Gospel, there is peace and purpose. On Saturday, I spent time with my family. We went hiking. I feel like I was a junior high age kid again as my parents took me out to hiking when I was a kid. I am aware that there are quite a few families and kids going out on hiking on the last weekend. I am thankful for God for providing a wonderful family.
On Sunday, we learned about Joshua, Judges, and Ruth in our overview of the Bible class. I was reminded that we are rebellious and God is always faithful. This pattern is repeated throughout the Old Testament. During the sermon time, the message was to challenge brothers and sisters to see the world for what it is. The world is full of suffering and injustice. We are studying the book of Isaiah. Isaiah is a messenger of God who spoke on behalf of God. He was honestly proclaiming what was the true condition of the nation. Likewise for us, God's Words and prayer enables us to see the true condition of our world.
On Monday, I went to the Royal Ontario Museum with Vicky. The museum opened my eyes to what happened in history. There are displays about extinction of wildlife, religion in ancient times, wars, and a section dedicated to the genocide in Cambodia. We later went to tour around U of T. We encountered an old classmate of Vicky and we chatted a bit. We had the opportunity to share with him what we believed as follower of Christ.
I am really thankful for this wonderful weekend.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Reflection on summer messages in Gospel of John
As a reflection of the messages from this summer, I realized how fast time flies by. Summer is almost over. The theme in the summer is "To proclaim Jesus Christ with his love". The mission of the church is proclaim the salvation of Jesus Christ to the world.
Mere preaching and communication is not enough. Jesus Christ proclaimed who He is by his actions in love. Even if we do not have full faith of his words, we can believe him on the account of work that he has done. To kick off the discussion, I am going to throw out my two cents on the applications in my life.
John 4 Application
1. I see them as gifted younger brothers and sisters who God had chosen to do His work in bringing God's love to their friends. I see my own friends as gifts from God.
2. I am sharing with them the blessings I have received from God. Also, I share about how God delivers me from struggles I went through.
3. I am willing to repent of my known sins by God's grace and mercy.
4. I feel that I need to let go and worship God in Spirit, and study and reflect upon more of who God really is. God is beyond my personal knowledge and understanding. I need to come back to Him often and let God teach me who He is.
John 5 Application:
1. I was crippled many in my life both physically and emotionally. Most importantly, I was crippled spiritually. Jesus Christ came into my life and healed me.
2. I experienced the power of God's love. When I relied on God's grace to flee temptation, the life of not sinning and fear God is good.
John 6 Application
1. Greatest Need: wisdom
2. How to be filled by God? reflect on Psalms, daily devotions online.
3. Reaching friends to Christ: My high school friends, Vicky's friends
John 9
1. Sins of pride is the greatest struggle currently
2. I would like to be healed
3. By living a life full of joy and in humility, I can witness to them how God is providing and I am living a life that is full. My friends are living in darkness as they are living for mere survival, living for personal comfort and pleasure. I am to live a Christ centred life that model the light of Christ.
John 13
1. I think I can spend more time serving others.
2. I am willing to balance out of time of serving to time of receiving.
3. I can specifically model humility to those I serve by:
i) spend more time listening to what goes on in the people I lead
ii) go the extra distance and visit the people I lead
iii) Clean up and do the chores in my house and in the fellowship setting.
Friday, June 15, 2012
June 10 Message: Preach the Word
Songs we sang were: Our God, Salvation is here, One thing remains
What is "Preach the Word"?
Rebuking and correcting against patterns of this world.
Encouragement for living out God’s Words
How to "Preach the Word"?
In season and out of season
With patience and love
What is "Preach the Word"?
Rebuking and correcting against patterns of this world.
Encouragement for living out God’s Words
How to "Preach the Word"?
In season and out of season
With patience and love
How to do this practically?
1. Acknowledge the situation
2. Accept the person
3. Affirm the person in another direction
4. Allow God’s Word to rebuke and correct on its term
Your response: Ask God for a person for you to preach the Word to by applying the 4 A's from above.
Personal Devotions
It seems to me that everyone are on different pages when we are engaging in personal devotions. Currently, PGC as a whole is studying the book of Revelation. During through the Bible chapter by chapter classes, we are studying the book of John. Personally, I am reading through the Bible again for the 4th time and I am on 2 Chronicles. I am going to introduce three different ways of personal devotions for you to choose from.
Method 1: Follow the PGC 260 Devotion (Read the passage, Apply the meditation questions)
Method 2: Center the week's devotion around the last Bible class
ie) Let say you studied John 4 last Sunday, pick 4 short passages from John 3-5. Our expectation is you engage in devotion (4/6) days from Monday to Saturday.
From the passages you selected, you answer the following three questions:
1. What was God doing during this period?
2. What were the people doing in response to God?
3. How can I relate to the timeless truth in the passages?
4. How can I apply what God spoke to me TODAY?
Method 3: Go through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation:
1. Spend 8-10 minutes reading the Bible in chronological order, try to finish at the end of a chapter. Try to do this (4/6) days from Monday to Saturday.
2. What was God doing during this period?
3. What were the people doing in response to God?
4. How can I relate to the timeless truth in the passages?
5. How can I apply what God spoke to me TODAY?
Illustration for method 1: Revelation 13:11-17
In the Devil’s design, Satan will deploy his troops. The land beast will dupe
us and coerce us into idolatry. On the other hand, Satan tries to deceive us
by disguising itself as the world’s saviour, claiming to deliver health, wealth,
happiness and immortality. Do I see Satan’s activities in our society today?
How prepared am I in facing the political persecution, or the economic
temptation? How am I engaged in the daily deliberate practices of Bible
reading (260) and prayer as they are part of the effort
toward spiritual maturity, sensitivity and defences?
Illustration for method 2: John 4:39-42
Jesus Christ visited the Samaritan woman. Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in Jesus Christ because of the woman's testimony. Many people including myself may relate to the Samaritan woman. We may feel unworthy, unpopular, despised, and we make excuses for not witnessing for Christ. God can use any willing person for His glory. I can apply this truth today by boldly witness for Christ regardless of how others think of me. I am going to share the joy of experiencing God to the friends I may see tonight at fellowship.
Illustration for method 3: 1 Chronicles 23-26
God was helping David his nation with setting up a structure of Levites, priest, singers, gatekeepers, and officials. The names and duties of the officials were listed. The people were faithful in carrying out the duties that were assigned to them. God called me to serve Him by modelling how to worship and pray to God. I can apply this truth today by faithfully carrying out the duties God assigned me TODAY.
Monday, June 11, 2012
June 3 Message: Foundations of a person in Christ
Why do they need to hear this?
You were a sinner.
Romans 3:23 – For all have
sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
Colossians 3:5-6 – Put to
death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion,
evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. On account of these the wrath
of God is coming.
Galatians 5:19-21 – Now
the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality,
idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries,
dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I
warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit
the kingdom of God.
Who am I in Christ?
You are redeemed and forgiven.
Colossians 1:13-14 – He
has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom
of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
You are loved.
8:31-39 – What,
then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not
also, along with him, graciously give us all things? Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is
God who justifies. Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died —more than that, who was raised to life —is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. Who
shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution
or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written: “For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.” No, in all these things we are more than
conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced
that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither
the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will
be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ
Jesus our Lord.
You are a channel.
15:5 – “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a
man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can
do nothing.”
2 Corinthians
2:14 – But thanks be to God, who always leads us in
triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance
of the knowledge of him.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
May 6 Message: Instruction on worship
In May and June, we are going to study the book of 1 and 2 Timothy. These two letters are written by Paul to Timothy. They are instructions on building up the church. Here is a brief outline of the message from 1 Timothy 2.
What is worship? Prayer for all people (v.1-4)
Why worship? Jesus is mediator between God and man (v.5-6)
How to worship? Order in the family of God (v.7-15)
What is worship?
To worship means to pray. Prayer is conversation with God. We can confidently and freely approach God because we belong to God. The local church is a family of believers gathering together. This is your spiritual home. Worship service is like a family gathering where we all engage in worship to God. Prayer is to be made for all people, especially for kings and all those in authority. God is sovereign over the government, the corporations, the social media, etc, we pray for the Gospel to be shared in those in authority.
What is worship? Prayer for all people (v.1-4)
Why worship? Jesus is mediator between God and man (v.5-6)
How to worship? Order in the family of God (v.7-15)
What is worship?
To worship means to pray. Prayer is conversation with God. We can confidently and freely approach God because we belong to God. The local church is a family of believers gathering together. This is your spiritual home. Worship service is like a family gathering where we all engage in worship to God. Prayer is to be made for all people, especially for kings and all those in authority. God is sovereign over the government, the corporations, the social media, etc, we pray for the Gospel to be shared in those in authority.
Why worship?
For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time. We can approach God solely because of Jesus Christ. As child of God, we received Jesus by repentance from sin. We accept what Christ has done on the cross, he was a ransom for all people. By having this faith, we submit to Jesus Christ as lord over our lives.
How to worship?
We are going to touch on some sensitive issues in today's passage. It is important for everyone to be on a solid ground regarding the theology of human being.
Theology of human being:
-Humans are made in the image of God.
-Male and female are equally valuable before God.
-God created male and female for different roles. (Man = head, Woman = helper)
-Men and women living out God’s design gives glory to God.
Exposition of verse7-15
v.7 God appointed Paul to be an apostle.
And for this purpose I was appointed a herald and an apostle —I am telling the truth, I am not lying—and a true and faithful teacher of the Gentiles.
Why did God choose Moses, Samuel, David, Peter, John, Paul… Francis Chan, David Platt, Rick Warren, Rev. Siu to be his special servants? We will never know, we may find out in heaven. But nonetheless, they are called by God to teach the Word of God with God’s authority. We are called to submit to their teachings because they are speaking on behalf of God’s authority.
v8. I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing.
If you call yourself man after God’s heart, or man on a mission, do not be ashamed in lifting up hands to pray and worship God. We are to pray everywhere: in your school, work place, family, amongst your friends. The attitude is important, not with anger and disputing, be in peace with God and people. If you want to be a real man, you are to be unashamed in your worship to God. You worship God by leading under Christ’s guidance and authority.
v9-10 I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.
What you dress communicates a message of who you are. If you dress with elaborate hairstyles, fancy jewelry, sexy clothing, and expensive clothes, what kind of message are you trying to tell people around you? If you dress modestly and appropriately, how would people look at you. Your good deeds will set a good witness as a follower of Christ. Immodest clothing is a stumbling block and a poor witness for Christ.
v.11-12 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.
In ancient culture, women were not allowed to learn as they were labelled as inferior. Biblical based Christianity actually treats women with dignity as they are encouraged to learn. The attitude of learning is important. A student who learn with a humble attitude will reap benefits, whereas a prideful student who dispute his/her teacher would not reap much benefits. A woman according to God’s design is to be the helper in the church.
v.13-14 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15 But women will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.
We know that Adam was with Eve in the garden. When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. Adam failed by not taking up leadership in protecting Eve against temptation, and he gave in to Eve’s temptation. There is positive light for women in this passage. Women find fulfillment as wife and mother, as they are saved through the good news of Christ. The calling of nurturing the next generation is a high calling.
Conclusion and reflections:
1. Pray for all people. Crossroad is a house of prayer!
Is prayer is central to everything in Crossroad: worship, fellowship, lessons, discipleship…?
2. Jesus Christ is mediator between God and human
Is Christ in the center of all your relationships (God, family, friends, coworkers)?
3. Do you respect leaders with God’s authority?
4. Are you clear on God’s design on manhood and womanhood for God’s glory?
5. Young men: Are you taking up God’s call to lead and accept responsibility?
6. Young women: Are you taking up God’s call as a helper by submitting to leadership?
1 Timothy 2,
Monday, April 23, 2012
April 22 Message: Power of the resurrection of Christ
The message is taken from the passage in Mark 16:1-8 and Acts 1:6-11.
In the first half of the message, the resurrection account is preached. The resurrection of Jesus was testified by the empty tomb, the angels, and eye witnesses.
There are people who challenges the validity of the resurrection of Christ. Some may say that the women and disciples went to the wrong tomb! Seriously? would you go to the wrong grave of someone you loved? Some people say because women were the eyewitnesses, their testimonies were invalid because they were women. Well, I leave it for those people to defend themselves. Some people say the disciples stole the body of Jesus and claimed that he resurrected. What did the disciples gain for proclaiming this news? Wealth? Power? Popularity? Well, some of them got to be crucified and then burned. Jesus Christ is a real person, not a legend, and he was raised from the dead.
Before Jesus was taken up back to heaven, He told us that we will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on us; and we will be His witness in our local setting and then to the rest of the world.
What is this power through the Holy Spirit?
This power opened the eyes of the blind and the hearts of unbelievers. This is the power that is promised to those who wait on God and to follow Him. The power of the Holy Spirit lives in you and can abide upon you. God’s power is totally different than the power of this world.
What do we do with the power? Seeing sin and repenting of it, Understanding and speaking the Word of God, Experiencing God in intimate ways, Hearing God’s voice, Living out the good news of Christ.
In the first half of the message, the resurrection account is preached. The resurrection of Jesus was testified by the empty tomb, the angels, and eye witnesses.
There are people who challenges the validity of the resurrection of Christ. Some may say that the women and disciples went to the wrong tomb! Seriously? would you go to the wrong grave of someone you loved? Some people say because women were the eyewitnesses, their testimonies were invalid because they were women. Well, I leave it for those people to defend themselves. Some people say the disciples stole the body of Jesus and claimed that he resurrected. What did the disciples gain for proclaiming this news? Wealth? Power? Popularity? Well, some of them got to be crucified and then burned. Jesus Christ is a real person, not a legend, and he was raised from the dead.
Before Jesus was taken up back to heaven, He told us that we will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on us; and we will be His witness in our local setting and then to the rest of the world.
What is this power through the Holy Spirit?
This power opened the eyes of the blind and the hearts of unbelievers. This is the power that is promised to those who wait on God and to follow Him. The power of the Holy Spirit lives in you and can abide upon you. God’s power is totally different than the power of this world.
What do we do with the power? Seeing sin and repenting of it, Understanding and speaking the Word of God, Experiencing God in intimate ways, Hearing God’s voice, Living out the good news of Christ.
How do you get this power?
Prayer: In Acts 4:31, after prayer, the Holy Spirit filled the room that the apostles were praying in.
Obedience: "And we are witnesses of these things; and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey Him," (Acts 5:32)
When do you receive this power?
You must first be cleansed by Jesus before you can be indwelt by the Spirit. Before you fill a cup you clean it, otherwise it is not suitable for use.
I use the analogy of avid COD players as an illustration to applying this verse.
We are using God's power through the Holy Spirit only when we are an active witness for him. The application is directly related to the theme of Crossroad.
Being filled with God's power = Grow deeper in the love for God
Actions and words guided by the Holy Spirit = Love by shepherding one another
Witness Jesus Christ to friends = Proclaim Christ to friends.
Holy Spirit,
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
April 15 Message: Christ will come again
Rev. Siu preached the message for us last Sunday. The theme is "Jesus Christ will come again". He taught on how we should live our lives as followers of Christ waiting for his return. This hope of his return is certain. Because of this hope, we can have strength to persevere.
He taught us to pray always. He introduced four short prayers call breathe prayers. We are to pray unceasingly and to pray in all circumstances. The four short prayers are:
1. God, I belong to you.
2. Jesus, have mercy on me.
3. God, save me!
4. Lord, thank you for today.
When we keep ourselves alert and awake by prayer, we would be able to face the pressure and temptation of this world. As a result, we would be able to love God, love others, and make disciples.
He taught us to pray always. He introduced four short prayers call breathe prayers. We are to pray unceasingly and to pray in all circumstances. The four short prayers are:
1. God, I belong to you.
2. Jesus, have mercy on me.
3. God, save me!
4. Lord, thank you for today.
When we keep ourselves alert and awake by prayer, we would be able to face the pressure and temptation of this world. As a result, we would be able to love God, love others, and make disciples.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
April 8 Message: Death of Christ
I began the message by asking the question "What makes you think you can approach a holy God?". My systematic theology professor repeatedly asked this question in his class. There are many ways to phrase this question, but there is only ONE answer to this question.
We believe that the death of our Lord Jesus Christ satisfied all the demands of God’s law, redeeming us by shedding His blood and assuming our curse, men and women can have a just standing before God.
We then read the whole chapter of Mark 15. Here is a summary of what happened:
Jesus before Pilate: sinless and innocent
Soldiers mocked Jesus: tortured and humiliated
Crucifixion: further insults and punishment
Death of Jesus: darkness and forsakenness from God
Total Depravity: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Sin is not just big things like murder or blasphemy but also includes lying, lusting, and stealing. Even the love of money or hatred of enemies is sin, according to the Bible. Good works cannot make up for wrongs against the holy God.
God is Holy: Having sinned against God, we deserve His punishment. A judge who pardons lawbreakers isn’t a good judge. God is justice. Likewise, God will not overlook sin. He pours out His righteous wrath against sinners.
Atonement for sin: In the Old Testament, innocent lambs were sacrificed as a substitute for the punishment men deserved. Sacrificing an animal acknowledges that sin required death. Only a sinless person can sacrifice once and for all. Jesus finished paying the punishment for sin as the perfect Lamb of God.
Authenticity of God's witness: The prophets foretold Jesus’ death. From Adam to Jesus, God sent prophets to mankind, warning them of sin’s punishment and foretelling the coming Savior. Seven hundred years before Jesus was born, the prophet Isaiah described Him: The prophet compared the coming Saviour to a lamb, slaughtered for the sins of others.
Conclusion: We hope that with a deeper understanding and conviction. You can confidently approach God because of what Jesus Christ has done for you.
The take away is: How are you responding to the love of God?
We believe that the death of our Lord Jesus Christ satisfied all the demands of God’s law, redeeming us by shedding His blood and assuming our curse, men and women can have a just standing before God.
We then read the whole chapter of Mark 15. Here is a summary of what happened:
Jesus before Pilate: sinless and innocent
Soldiers mocked Jesus: tortured and humiliated
Crucifixion: further insults and punishment
Death of Jesus: darkness and forsakenness from God
Total Depravity: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Sin is not just big things like murder or blasphemy but also includes lying, lusting, and stealing. Even the love of money or hatred of enemies is sin, according to the Bible. Good works cannot make up for wrongs against the holy God.
God is Holy: Having sinned against God, we deserve His punishment. A judge who pardons lawbreakers isn’t a good judge. God is justice. Likewise, God will not overlook sin. He pours out His righteous wrath against sinners.
Atonement for sin: In the Old Testament, innocent lambs were sacrificed as a substitute for the punishment men deserved. Sacrificing an animal acknowledges that sin required death. Only a sinless person can sacrifice once and for all. Jesus finished paying the punishment for sin as the perfect Lamb of God.
Authenticity of God's witness: The prophets foretold Jesus’ death. From Adam to Jesus, God sent prophets to mankind, warning them of sin’s punishment and foretelling the coming Savior. Seven hundred years before Jesus was born, the prophet Isaiah described Him: The prophet compared the coming Saviour to a lamb, slaughtered for the sins of others.
Conclusion: We hope that with a deeper understanding and conviction. You can confidently approach God because of what Jesus Christ has done for you.
The take away is: How are you responding to the love of God?
Structure of Crossroad
Structure and committed disciples are absolutely necessary for obeying the great commission of making disciples. The following are an outline of the roles and responsibilities of leaders in Crossroad.
Planning committee: Setting the direction of PGC
(Expectation: Multiplying Disciple)
Coaches: Providing spiritual direction to student leaders
(Expectation: Growing Disciple)
Parent Relation: Communicating and caring for parents (Expectation: Growing Disciple)
Worship Leaders: Leading brothers and sisters to praise God through music and God’s Words.
Fellowship captain: Overseeing Crossroad so that Crossroad remains faithful to the vision of PGC
Outreach Assistance: Reaching out through personal visits and volunteering initiatives.
Small Group captain: Pastoring/shepherding a small group
Expectations of student leaders
Goal: Moving from being a connecting disciple towards a growing disciple
-Declares faith in Jesus Christ to friends and family
-Faithful participation in PGC Worship, Crossroad, and equipping classes
-Monthly leader’s prayer/planning meeting
-Bi-weekly discipleship with a coach (In small groups or individually, various setting: worship practice, visits, fun activities)
Vision and Strategy of Crossroad
Peoples Gospel Church exists to glorify God as a cell-based church by passionately multiplying disciples locally and worldwide.
What does this mean?
Glorify God: A person repents from worshipping idols to worshipping Jesus Christ.
Cell based church: Sharing of Gospel and mutual building up take place in cell groups.
Passion: Deep love for God -> Deep love for one another -> Burden to win friends to Christ
Multiplying Disciples: Equipping leaders to lead more people to become disciples of Jesus Christ.
Being a missional church, we equip disciples when we gather. Members in the church are all missionaries who bring the Gospel to wherever they go. We bring to Gospel to our schools, to our work place, and to our community.
How are we doing it?
We do so by the slogan.
"We Grow. We Love. We Proclaim"
We Grow to love God and His Words deeper through personal prayer & devotion, worshipping God together, and learning more about God through equipping classes.
We love one another by pastoring one another. We do so by encouraging each other to do God’s will, praying with one another, and caring for one another.
We proclaim the good news of Christ to friends and family. We do so by praying for friends and family member's salvation. We are witnessing Christ in school. We are inviting friends to Crossroad and Worship. Last but not least, we are sharing the Gospel with our friends.
How are we doing it?
We do so by the slogan.
"We Grow. We Love. We Proclaim"
We Grow to love God and His Words deeper through personal prayer & devotion, worshipping God together, and learning more about God through equipping classes.
We love one another by pastoring one another. We do so by encouraging each other to do God’s will, praying with one another, and caring for one another.
We proclaim the good news of Christ to friends and family. We do so by praying for friends and family member's salvation. We are witnessing Christ in school. We are inviting friends to Crossroad and Worship. Last but not least, we are sharing the Gospel with our friends.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Spiritual Growth Path
Jesus Christ calls all believers to make disciples. All followers of Jesus Christ are on the journey of spiritual growth. How does a person who is away from God journey to become a passionate disciple of Jesus Christ? Is getting spiritual high at conferences enough for a person to become disciple of Christ? Obviously NOT! The following is a process of how an interested seeker grows to become a multiplying disciple.
The process begins with interested seekers. People who used to be hostile towards Christ or indifferent towards Christ become interested through the friendship of believers.
An interested seeker drops into fellowship and worship occasionally. He/she may attend special conferences or camps. They may make their first time decision for Christ through one on one evangelism with his/her friend. They may make a decision through conferences and/or camps.
Once a person makes a decision for Christ, he/she becomes a connecting disciple. The following describes the behaviour of a connecting disciple:
-Declare to friends and family of his/her faith
-Attend Worship and Fellowship Regularly
-Personally followed up
-Plan to be baptised
-Pray 5 times a day (morning, 3x meal, bedtime)
-Engage in basic personal devotion
As a person matures spiritually, he/she grows in the love for God. The person's love for God is reflected through how he/she relate to brothers and sisters in Christ. Also, the passion to witness Christ to friends and family grows stronger. The following describes the behaviour of a growing disciple.
In addition to the behaviours of a connecting Disciples:
-Training in Biblical foundations, evangelism and follow-up
-Praying and caring for brothers and sisters
-Consistent in personal devotion
-Able to personal follow up and Gospel sharing
-Engage in discipleship initiatives
It is true that a person's life change can impact many. The impact for the Gospel is multiplied when growing disciples are willing to sacrifice more of themselves for the glory of God. The following describes the behaviour of a multiplying disciple.
In addition to the behaviours of a growing Disciples:
-Leading discipleship initiatives
-Advanced Biblical Training
-Praying and caring for ministry
-Engage in strict spiritual discipline
-Actively engaging in personal follow up
-Actively seeking to sharing of the Gospel
The process begins with interested seekers. People who used to be hostile towards Christ or indifferent towards Christ become interested through the friendship of believers.
An interested seeker drops into fellowship and worship occasionally. He/she may attend special conferences or camps. They may make their first time decision for Christ through one on one evangelism with his/her friend. They may make a decision through conferences and/or camps.
Once a person makes a decision for Christ, he/she becomes a connecting disciple. The following describes the behaviour of a connecting disciple:
-Declare to friends and family of his/her faith
-Attend Worship and Fellowship Regularly
-Personally followed up
-Plan to be baptised
-Pray 5 times a day (morning, 3x meal, bedtime)
-Engage in basic personal devotion
As a person matures spiritually, he/she grows in the love for God. The person's love for God is reflected through how he/she relate to brothers and sisters in Christ. Also, the passion to witness Christ to friends and family grows stronger. The following describes the behaviour of a growing disciple.
In addition to the behaviours of a connecting Disciples:
-Training in Biblical foundations, evangelism and follow-up
-Praying and caring for brothers and sisters
-Consistent in personal devotion
-Able to personal follow up and Gospel sharing
-Engage in discipleship initiatives
It is true that a person's life change can impact many. The impact for the Gospel is multiplied when growing disciples are willing to sacrifice more of themselves for the glory of God. The following describes the behaviour of a multiplying disciple.
In addition to the behaviours of a growing Disciples:
-Leading discipleship initiatives
-Advanced Biblical Training
-Praying and caring for ministry
-Engage in strict spiritual discipline
-Actively engaging in personal follow up
-Actively seeking to sharing of the Gospel
April 1 Message Mark 14:12-26
Here is the summary from Cecil's message on the Lord's supper. The message is based on Mark 14:12-26 as this month's theme is the passion of Christ.
Passover and the Fest of Unleavened Bread became a festival celebrates the escape of the Jews from Egypt under the leadership of Moses. At Passover, the Jews celebrated their ancestors’ escape from Egyptian bondage (salvation). Jesus, with bread and wine, instructed the disciples that these elements would serve to remind them of the significance of His death (which would bring salvation to ALL of us).

The blood of covenant is an unconditional covenant God has made promised to forgive sin because of the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus has done all that is necessary for the forgiveness of sins by His once-for-all sacrifice on the cross. The bread and the cup are symbols and reminders of Jesus in His death and resurrection. It remind God’s new covenant to us as we anticipate of the Second Coming of Jesus.
Why do Jesus ask us to remember him with the Lord’s supper?
Jesus Christ desired fellowship and bonding with us and fellow disciples.
Jesus is teaching us that he is the ultimate sacrifice for the world.
Jesus Christ made the Lord's supper as remembrance of His work for many for the forgiveness of sins.
As we approach the passion week of Jesus, reflect on the love that Jesus has for you.
Upon reflection, if you are living in a way that falls short of Jesus' love for you, pray and ask Him for forgiveness. (Note: the sacrifice of Christ is effective for all past, present, future sins).
We are to come to Christ continually for cleansing.
Passover and the Fest of Unleavened Bread became a festival celebrates the escape of the Jews from Egypt under the leadership of Moses. At Passover, the Jews celebrated their ancestors’ escape from Egyptian bondage (salvation). Jesus, with bread and wine, instructed the disciples that these elements would serve to remind them of the significance of His death (which would bring salvation to ALL of us).
The blood of covenant is an unconditional covenant God has made promised to forgive sin because of the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus has done all that is necessary for the forgiveness of sins by His once-for-all sacrifice on the cross. The bread and the cup are symbols and reminders of Jesus in His death and resurrection. It remind God’s new covenant to us as we anticipate of the Second Coming of Jesus.
Why do Jesus ask us to remember him with the Lord’s supper?
Jesus Christ desired fellowship and bonding with us and fellow disciples.
Jesus is teaching us that he is the ultimate sacrifice for the world.
Jesus Christ made the Lord's supper as remembrance of His work for many for the forgiveness of sins.
As we approach the passion week of Jesus, reflect on the love that Jesus has for you.
Upon reflection, if you are living in a way that falls short of Jesus' love for you, pray and ask Him for forgiveness. (Note: the sacrifice of Christ is effective for all past, present, future sins).
We are to come to Christ continually for cleansing.
Friday, March 23, 2012
March 18 Message: Rejoice Always
I am glad to hear requests to post sermon notes and worship songs online so brothers and sisters can reflect on them.
We sang Give us clean hands, All for you, and worthy is the lamb.
The message is taken from Philippians 4:4-7
Rejoice in the Lord always.
I will say it again: Rejoice!
Let your gentleness be evident to all.
The Lord is near.
Do not be anxious about anything,
but in every situation, by prayer and petition,
with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Reflection Notes:
1. What is the meaning of rejoice? How is it different from happiness?
2. What is gentleness? How is it different from weakness?
3. What is the benefit to being anxious?
4. What is the cure to anxiety?
5. What are sources of suffering you are facing? External? Personal sin? Because of doing God's will?
6. How are you rejoicing in the midst of your suffering?
We sang Give us clean hands, All for you, and worthy is the lamb.
The message is taken from Philippians 4:4-7
Rejoice in the Lord always.
I will say it again: Rejoice!
Let your gentleness be evident to all.
The Lord is near.
Do not be anxious about anything,
but in every situation, by prayer and petition,
with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Reflection Notes:
1. What is the meaning of rejoice? How is it different from happiness?
2. What is gentleness? How is it different from weakness?
3. What is the benefit to being anxious?
4. What is the cure to anxiety?
5. What are sources of suffering you are facing? External? Personal sin? Because of doing God's will?
6. How are you rejoicing in the midst of your suffering?
Monday, March 5, 2012
Book of Hebrews
It seems that many people find the book of Hebrews difficult.
The overall message of the book is that Jesus Christ is superior to everything that has gone before.
Jesus Christ is the ultimate priest. Jesus Christ is the ultimate sacrifice.
The book is written to a community who is discouraged because of the suffering and perhaps doubts about whether Jesus really took care of sin.
The overall message of the book is that Jesus Christ is superior to everything that has gone before.
Jesus Christ is the ultimate priest. Jesus Christ is the ultimate sacrifice.
The book is written to a community who is discouraged because of the suffering and perhaps doubts about whether Jesus really took care of sin.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
PGC 2012 Retreat May 19-21
Registration for the 2012 retreat is open. We had lots of fun for the 2010 retreat and the retreat inspired many of us to grow spiritually. Since the feedback was good for Joshua, we have him back to lead us in messages and activities for this year's retreat.
What to expect at the retreat?
Team building activities, Inspiring worship and messages, sports, board game at night, silent time for deeper reflection, etc (see pictures of 2010 retreat)
Feel free to ask Ellen, Jenny, Brenda, Godwin, Steven, Raymond, Eman, Jeremy, Ernest, and Jason about it.
We have started the planning and we need everyone's contribution in making the retreat inspiring and fun. We would like to see more than 30 people coming
Here is how to register:
1. Fill out the attached form (If your parents are coming, which we strongly invite them to come, they have their own Cantonese program, you can fill out one form)
2. Return form and money to me.
*We do not want finance to be a major stumbling block in keeping you from going to the retreat. A scholarship fund is available to help pay for up to 50% of the cost if finance is an issue (please see me for details)
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Planning a big event
Planning a Big Ministry Event
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Most youth workers like events. We may have mixed emotions about their overall effectiveness, but they aren’t going away anytime soon….we simply won’t let them! And while we all like events, we aren’t all great at planning them from start to finish. As a result, many events are tossed together at the last minute, poorly run, with less than hoped-for results. But maybe there’s a better way. Here are three parts to a great event every youth worker should master:
Marketing / Promotion
This is the not-so-simple task of getting the word out. Flyers and handouts used to be the preferred method, and printed postcards still work with slides on the screen and mentions in the bulletin. Texting has become the preferred method of communication with students. The church/youth ministry website too, is an important part of the puzzle, especially with parents. Just make sure you get the word out early enough for students not to make other plans, but not too early as to be forgotten. The Actual Event This is where we typically do our best work. Everyone is “on” and ready to go, the energy level is high. You’ve worked hard to get students there, and they showed up. The night was great; everyone made it back in one piece and is now thoroughly exhausted. Whew! Of course, this only happens if you planned ahead and got the word out! Post-Event / Follow-up Most youth workers struggle here, and we’re no exception. When can we leave? Who gets the sexy job of cleaning up after the big mess we just made? Am I really going to have to stay late for that one kid whose mom always leaves the house to get him 45 minutes after everyone else has already left? Cleanup is a big deal. Having a team assembled for the post-event is crucial. Otherwise, you’ll be spending an extra hour or three finishing the night off right – or worse you’ll take shortcuts and pay for it politically in your church. |
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
The mission of Crossroad is to make disciples of Jesus Christ. What does a disciple of Jesus Christ look like? He/she is having an intimate relationship with God, he/she loves people around him/her, and he/she has a passion to share the good news of Jesus Christ to friends that have not received Jesus.
This is reflected by the following:
- steady prayer life
- participate in corporate worship and fellowship regularly
- publicly declares faith and baptism
- devoted to reading and learning God's Words
- actively shares Jesus Christ to non-believers
- available to follow up with new believers
- willing to serve the body of believers
Looking at the list above, it seems pretty tough isn't it? I have to confess that as the youth pastor of the group, I have lots of room to grow. Discipleship is a life long journey. We are all in this journey of growth together.
Our goal for discipleship is to train every of our disciples to become passionate followers of Jesus Christ. During the discipleship time, let us devote in God's Word, sharing how we experienced God, and pray for one another. My prayer is that we will all grow to become mature spiritually for the glory of God.
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