Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Ice Breaking Name Games

Who Am I?
Take a pile of 3x5 cards and write down a name of a person or character on each card. These
names can be seasonal (Winter: Santa, Frosty, Jack Frost, etc.) or follow a theme (Superheroes:
Batman, Superman, The Hulk, etc.). Then tape a card to the back of every person in the room.
They must now try to guess who they are by going around the room asking other people
questions about the name on their back. These questions must be yes-no questions (ex. Q. "Am I
green?" A. "Yes") and only one question can be asked to each person in the room (to get everyone
talking to everyone else). The first person to guess the name on their back is the winner.

The List
Make a list of statements that may be true about the individuals in your group. The list should
say "Find someone who...." at the top and look something like this:
• likes to eat liver and onions
• has visited Japan
• is wearing pink socks
• can burp "Row, Row, Row, Your Boat"
• ate at McDonald's today
The list can be as long or as short as you like, be creative, the sillier the better. Pass out one copy
of the list to each person. Then have the individuals go around the room getting the items on the
list signed off by people in the group who may fit one of the descriptions. A person may only sign
a sheet one time. After a short span of time (I like to play a song or two) have them stop. The
person with the most signatures is the winner.

People Bingo
Make a list of about 25 different facts (i.e. "someone who's parent wears dentures!") and lay it
out on a B I N G O format. The object is to get 5 spaces in a row or blackout (All spaces full). It
is an interesting and fun crowd breaker type game. In order to fill the spaces you need to find
another person who matches one of the qualities or facts listed and then have them sign their
name on the appropriate square.

Action Name Game
  • Participants stand in a circle, arms distance apart.  Ask each person to think of an verb and action which starts with the same letter as the person's first name e.g., "Jumping James".
  • The person does the action and yells out their action-name.  Everyone then repeats the action and the action-name.
  • This requires pretty high level of instructor energy and drama, people are pretty shy to start with. Really encourage everyone to join in and say the name and action of everyone else.
  • To really drill names home, go around again, it should be faster and really get the blood moving.
  • For participants who say "I can't think of anything", I say "Keep thinking, we'll come back to you".  If they still don't come up with anything, I ask the group to help.
  • Note I don't allow duplicate verbs either - must use a unique verb.

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